MSNBC's Ed Schultz spoke with Real Time's Bill Maher Friday night and lamented that he could not give a donation to President Obama's reelection campaign or even his Super PAC under his network's rules.
'He's going this way, Bill, because he has to,' Schultz explained. 'Because of Citizen's United he's not going to be able to raise the kind of money that they are going to throw at him, so the President brilliantly is using the bully pulpit''
'I've done my part, Ed,' Maher acknowledged. 'You've got more money than me Ed. Just saying.'
'He is brilliantly putting them on the defensive. And he has''
'I like how you side-stepped that one,' replied Maher.
'You don't think he is?' Schultz asked.
'No, I do. I think you should give some money,' Maher pressed. Anyway''
'They won't let me,' Schultz contended. 'I can't give money.'
'You can't give money,' Maher teased.
'Where I work, I'm not allowed to give money. I can't give political money to anybody,' Schultz explained.
'To even the Super PAC?' Maher quizzed.
'Not even to the Super PAC,' Schultz maintained. 'I can't give money. It's the standards of practice of where I work. If I could, I would. Damn right I would.'
'No, I believe you. That's right, I remember Keith Olbermann got in big trouble'He just gave like a couple''
'I'm trying to keep my job,' Schultz said.
Susan del Percio took the opportunity to zing Schultz.
'Because you can't find another one under Obama,' she swiped, to boos from the audience.
Schultz hit back by noting that private sector jobs were on the rise, no thanks to Republicans.
Watch Maher pressure Schultz below via HBO:
(h/t RCP)
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'standards of practice of where I work.'
Haha, now that's FUNNY!
This just proves MSNBC is actually fair and balanced unlike faux noise
MSNBC and standard? DERP.
Yes Comrade. THAT proves it.
Stupid is as stupid does!
SQUAWK! Fox News Lies, Fox News Lies, Ignolib Wanna Cracka! SQUAWK! Fox News Lies, Fox News Lies'SQUAWK!
Doesn't surprise anybody ' MSNBC is the lean left network; saying it and doing it are pretty much the same. Nice to know NBC/MSNBC have no standards. What do you expect from a news network whose news management team consists of their number one anchor who is also known as the 'bower' for his head over heals bowing and infatuation for the One.
Is that some awful TV or is that some
AWFUL TV???Fat Ed Schultz and Bill Maher at the same time''
squawk LIbrul Media SQUAWK LAME STREAM MEDIA.. your side is just as bad if not worse. At least the other side doesnt whine and cry about some perceived persecution 24/7. f@ck conservatives.
Mr. Picatinny congratulates you for avoiding the abortionist's scalpel and vacuum!
If Schlutz thinks it so important he'd quit. Guess it's not.
Mr. Picatinny is fascinated by the sweat dripping off the rolls of fat on the back of Ed's neck'.the way the sweat drops shimmer under the studio lights'like little diamonds of disgust!
Give money to the Obama campaign, Eddie!
Eventually MSNBC will have to fire your ass over your consistent LOW ratings,
along with a few others, so if you get fired for giving to the campaign you feel so
strong about, it won't be as embarressing.
Give generously, then walk in there and pick up your pink slip like a man. -
Uh hoh geez'listen to Ed.
'I can't give money'.So in lieu of that his whole network dedicates itself to promoting Obama with an in kind contribution of non stop fawning, gushing and open campaigning for him on a daily basis.
They say 'Mitt Romney' as if it is a curse word and swoon when Obama is mentioned.
Ed doesn't have to contribute money as it could never compare to all the free air time he gives to promoting Obama and smearing Mitt Romney. -
A shocking revelation
you baggers allegiance to right wing companies borders on pathetic. You do know that most of these companies are based out of 'elitist' New York City an they look at your ilk as stupid rubes and laugh behind your back.
Cons Beat Puppies With Little Kittens !!
Mr. Ed would also beat his wife, like he used to, if he could.
Ed takes money from Unions and openly advocates for them.
He basically works for the WH, unions and the Left. So do most MSNBC personalities.
Crazy thing is they often even freely admit it! Posters like you do not.
You are either totally ignorant or blind as a bat.
Main difference to me between being conservative and liberal.
You can be conservative and disagree with a lot of Republican positions.
You can not be liberal without agreeing with all Democrat positions.
jdaheadinjury forgets the '1% baggers' own those companies'and dipwads like you spend your welfare checks on things they make!
See how that works ignolib idiot? (redundant)
Joe Biden would donate to Obama.
But not his own money. That's what the suckers are for.
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